Taking good care of your credit is important to SurgeCardInfo customer service department. The best possible service is provided to all of our customers, including all the tools they need to successfully manage their loans.
As a consumer credit company with a state-of-the-art consumer credit platform, we can offer a wide range of services to our customers if they are not accepted by other financial institutions. Since the company’s inception, CFC has prided itself on its corporate responsibility to its clients in terms of strong customer service and fair trade programs.
Continental Finance Company (“CFC”) has been providing credit cards and services to low-credit consumers since its inception in 2005. The company specializes in providing consumers with credit products and services that are largely ignored by credit issuers. Traditional credit cards and local banks.
The Surge credit card is a product of Continental Finance, LLC. Therefore, Continental Finance LLC offers its users 24/7 customer support. Any queries about how to connect to Surge CC will be resolved through the customer service hotline.
The customer support platform not only provides the consultation, information request and application process. Call 1-800-556-5678 to speak with the Surge Credit Card customer service team.
Surge Mastercard credit card members can use a secure web portal at Continental Finance www.surgecardinfo.com to sign up and log in to their credit card. Online account access. All services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the website, and are free of charge for cardholders to use from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.
Customer feedback is one of the company’s strengths. Having handled over 2.6 million credit cards since its inception, CFC prides itself on putting its customers’ needs first. As a result, we provide credit cards that help clients build credit in a respectful and dignified manner.